Wingman - Help & F.A.Q.
Frequently asked questions:
Free Flight pilots (paragliders, gliders, ...)
Wingman is a great companion for all free flight passionates. It offers many functionalities, including:
- Instruments during flight, to enhance your piloting skills
- A detailed logbook with the possibility to replay your flights and analyze
- Safety features like airspaces warnings and live tracking which allows your family & friends to follow your progress live
- Social features: fly with friends, compare statistics, ...
- ... and more
Wingman offers a lot of instruments on your phone's display (and also on your Apple Watch).

All instruments
The following instruments are shown on your phone's display when flying:
- Map with live position & heading
- Vario (responsive, with sound & haptic feedback)
- Ground speed
- Altitude (msl & from take-off site)
- Glide Ratio
- Wind direction estimation (iPhone / iPad only)
- Wind speed estimation (iPhone / iPad only)
- Distance
- Time since take-off
- Airspace position (horizontal & vertical)
- Waypoints/Route to follow if enabled
Wingman offers the most responsive vario on an iOS device or Apple Watch due to a very advanced algorithm.
The vario can be configured to your needs, you can adjust:
- Climb rate bip threshold: your device will start beeping when your vertical speed is greater or equal to this threshold
- Climb rate off bip threshold: your device will stop beeping when your vertical speed is smaller or equal to this threshold
- Sink tone: enable this to have your vario play a continuous tone when you descent. The tone changes based on your rate of descent.
- Sink tone threshold: the negative vertical speed at which the vario will start playing the continuous tone
- Sink tone off threshold: the vertical speed at which the vario will stop playing the continuous tonee
- Sink rate alarm threshold: your device will emit an alert sound when your vertical speed goes below this threshold. Use this to be warned when loosing altitude too quickly.
- Vario sound customization: configure the frequency and cadence of the beeps/tone based on your vertical speed.
- The vario sound can be enabled/disabled by default with a setting. During the flight, it's still possible to change this value (in-flight settings) for the current flight.
Wind Estimator
When flying, the wind instruments will show an estimation of the wind direction and speed
Note: Wingman needs enough location points to start estimating the wind. Also, it requires your phone to be pointed (vertically or horizontally) in the direction of travel.
Thermal Viewer
The thermal viewer instrument colors your track on the map to show you where you were climbing. This allows you to easily identify where you were climbing and find the thermals.
Airspace instruments
About the flightbook
The logbook (a.k.a. flightbook) in Wingman is very detailed. It shows:
- A searchable list of all your flights
- A detailed view of each flight
- Flight Replay: replay your flights to view detailed statistics at every moment of the flight.
- Lifetime statistics
- A map of all places you have flown
- Social features: share a summary of a flight as an image on social networks, or share your lifetime statistics with your friends on Wingman
- Import / Export of flights to several file formats, like GPX or IGC
- ... and more

Online backup
With a free Wingman account, your flightbook is privately and securely backuped online.
How does the backup work?
- Create a Wingman account
- Navigate to the "Flightbook" tab
- A popup will ask you if you want to start the initial backup of the flight book > Tap "Yes"
- Note: if you decline or want to do the initial backup later, you can trigger it by tapping the icon with 2 arrows in a circle, located at the top-right of the Flightbook screen
- After that, everything is automatic. When you add/modify/delete a flight, Wingman syncs it for you
- To refresh the flightbook on another device, simply navigate out the flightbook (go to another tab) and then return to the flightbook tab
Cross-device sync
Your flightbook can be synced across your devices (ex: iPhone & iPad). Just be sure to be logged with the same Wingman account on your devices.
- Login to the same Wingman account on all devices
- Make sure the initial backup is done on all devices (cfr previous section about the backup). Note: if you have different flights on your devices, the flightbooks of all devices will be conveniently merged.
- To refresh the flightbook on another device, simply navigate out the flightbook (go to another tab) and then return to the flightbook tab
Wingman on Apple Watch
Wingman on Apple Watch works independently of the phone, meaning that you can still record your flights and enjoy the flight instruments if you don't have your iPhone/iPad with you.
However, to view the details of your watch-recorded flights, you'll need your iPhone or iPad.
The settings of Wingman on iPhone/iPad are conveniently synced with your Apple Watch

Nearby airspaces are shown on the flight map so you can safely avoid them. Since airspaces are delimited both horizontally and vertically, Wingman provides two instruments to determine your position relative to the airspace in both dimensions.
Horizontal position
Airspaces are shown on the map, so you can instantly know if you are inside or outside an airspace from a horizontal perspective.
Vertical position
The airspace vertical position instrument is only shown when you are nearby or within an airspace. It shows your vertical relative position.
If configured, Wingman can alert you when you are too close to an airspace. An alert includes both visual and audio components.
Airspaces instruments and alerts can be easily enabled/disabled/configured under the Preferences tab > Section Airspaces.
Tip: it is still possible to enable/disable display and alerts during a flight in the In-flight settings.
With the Waypoints functionality, you can define routes to follow while flying. This feature allows you to set specific geographical points as part of your flight plan, ensuring a structured and navigable path.
You can create a route (task) in Wingman, or import them by scanning a QR code with your device's camera. You can also export a route as a QR-code.
Create a route
- Go to Preferences > Waypoints editor
- Add a waypoint (tapping the flag icon) to start the creation a new route
- OR edit an existing route by tapping on Routes > select the route
Select a route for your flight
- Go to the 'Fly' tab
- Tap on 'Let's fly!'
- Tap on 'Plan route'
- Tap on 'Routes' (bottom-left)>
- Choose a route in the list
- Select the route by tapping the checkmark button in the top-right corner
- The route will now appear on the flight map
Import a route by scanning a QR code
- Using your device's camera, scan a XCTrack QR code
- Wingman will open, adding the route in your route list
Export a route as a QR code
- Go to Preferences > Waypoints editor
- Tap on 'Routes' in the bottom-left of the screen > The route list appears
- Long press on the route to export > select XCTrack QR code